Today, April 22nd 2020, is Earth Day. In fact the 50th Earth day.
The last 50 years has seen the continued acceleration of human exploitation and degradation of the earth. But we know this isn’t just about the environment, it’s about people too.

The Earth is our habitat and we need it.
The Coronavirus crisis has/is providing a massive shock to our way of life, our health, wellbeing, businesses and livelihoods.
Will this shock provide a wake-up call to re-prioritise what’s important and what’s of value? Nature, biodiversity has it’s own intrinsic value, but it’s vital for people too.
We largely know what needs to be done and how to do it, we simply need to make this a priority.
I’ll leave the final word to the Dalai Lama @DailaiLama
We can no longer exploit the resources of this earth—the trees, the water, and other natural resources—without any care for coming generations. Common sense tells us that unless we change, we won’t survive. This Earth Day let’s resolve to live in harmony with nature.
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