Valuing Natural Capital
Using money to put things on a level playing field makes sense, but only if the things we are comparing are actually comparable - natural capital is not.
Using money to put things on a level playing field makes sense, but only if the things we are comparing are actually comparable - natural capital is not.
We decided to see how all our Towards 9 Billion posts over the last 18 months looked through a data visualisation. Here are the words we used in bubbles.
Entropy applies without exception to all activities and processes. Is it the meta metric to measure and drive a circular economy?
We will have more than 9 billion people on the planet by 2050 - lets tidy the house for the vistors we have coming.
We need to drive a flowering of rejuvenative technology - sustainable in its impact and biotic in its nature - increasing the sum total of life on Earth.
From Homo sapiens to Terra sapiens - becoming a true stewards of our planet just might be the defining challenge of our evolutionary history.
The right to trade now is actively protected. With predicted social and environmental disruption, should we also develop the Rights of Future Trade?
From shallow value to real value - markets need to be capable of valuing a common future as more valuable than a private present.
What hope for sustainability when short term, shallow value and sensation is prioritised over the long term productive capacity of the planet and humanity?
The concept of planetary boundaries is a powerful and seductive one, but also one that has limited utility for driving a sustainable world.
Optimism for a sustainable future might be pointless in cosmic terms but then so is pretty much anything when viewed in this light.
Delivering sustainable capitalism - how the price mechanism must evolve.