Bloomin Ada – why is gender diversity trapped in the 19th century?
Ada Lovelace is generally credited as being the first computer programmer. 173 years later, how have things changed for women in STEM careers?
Ada Lovelace is generally credited as being the first computer programmer. 173 years later, how have things changed for women in STEM careers?
A flourishing future - what business models and technologies do we need for achieving sustainability?
Corporate sustainability must recognise the planet’s limits, sustainable context describes the ‘safe space’ for activities. What does it mean for you?
Incrementalism and transformation are often seen as divergent paths yet they may actually be the long and short term outcomes of the same journey.
Our free Towards 9 Billion books series. Big hopeful, playful ideas for a sustainable, equitable future.
Valuing multiple capitals....the monetisation of social and environmental capacity is an approach gathering momentum but what are the pros and cons?
Science & sustainability tell us life is complicated. Does the populist desire for simplistic answers pose a threat to our chances for a sustainable future?
Preserving and enhancing Global Commons will require changes to systems of law, economics and ownership - an overview of existing and new ideas.
Restoring the Common Weal. An overview on the concept of Global Commons and its associated theories.
A short overview of one of the key themes of Towards 9 Billion – the need and hope for rejuvenative innovation towards a sustainable, equitable future.
Energy as a human right...what could we achieve if our ambition was not constrained by the impacts and availability of energy?
Contextual analysis is not new, but conventional approaches ignore the real big picture. Sustainability context is on the rise and about time too!